#7992610003 Fixed Capacitor Assembly | Capacitors


Capacitor Assembly

NSN 5910-00-460-4475

Shelf Life
Shelf Life:
1 EA

Technical Specifications of NSN

Terminal Quantity:
2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
Terminal Type:
Spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip
Mounting Method:
Spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip and spring clip
Capacitance Value:
20.0 picofarads and 27.0 picofarads and 120.0 picofarads and 140.0 picofarads and 180.0 picofarads and 240.0 picofarads and 33.0 picofarads and 39.0 picofarads and 47.0 picofarads and 62.0 picofarads and 91.0 picofarads
Capacitance Tolerance In Percent:
-5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0 and -5.0/+5.0
Component Quantity:
2 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1
Component Controlling Agency:
Collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co., collins radio co.
Component Name:
Fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, fixed ceramic capacitor, pressed switch body hub, pressed mounting disk, pressed mounting disk
Component Identifying Number:
779-2609-001 part no. And 779-2609-002 part no. And 779-2609-013 part no. And 779-2609-014 part no. And 779-2609-015 part no. And 779-2609-017 part no. And 779-2609-003 part no. And 779-2609-005 part no. And 779-2609-007 part no. And 779-2609-009 part no. And 779-2609-012 part no. And 779-2460-001 part no. And 779-2105-003 part no. And 779-2105-002 part no.
Component Relationship:
Not matched
Working Voltage Rating:
2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts and 2500.0 volts
Item Name:
Fixed Capacitor Assembly
Cage Code:

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