#C1038 Main Converter Transformer | Coils And Transformers


Power Transformer

NSN 5950-00-606-4300

Shelf Life
Shelf Life:
1 EA

Product Technical Spec.

Reliability Indicator:
Not established
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Length:
2.485 inches single mounting facility single center group and 2.515 inches single mounting facility single center group
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Width:
1.985 inches single mounting facility single center group and 2.015 inches single mounting facility single center group
Frequency Rating:
50.0 hertz single component and 400.0 hertz single component
Input-output Phase Relationship:
Single phase to single phase single component
Winding Shielding Method:
Internal shield brought out to terminal single component
Body Length:
Between 3.360 inches and 3.390 inches
Body Width:
Between 3.141 inches and 3.171 inches
Body Height:
Between 4.266 inches and 4.296 inches
Inclosure Type:
Fully enclosed
Mounting Facility Quantity:
4 single group
Mounting Method:
Threaded hole single group
Winding Function And Quantity:
1 primary single component and 3 secondary single component
Thread Size:
0.190 inches single group
Winding Operating Current:
33.3 milliamperes ac single component 3rd secondary
Winding Operating Current:
600.0 milliamperes ac single component 1st secondary
Winding Operating Current:
600.0 milliamperes ac single component 2nd secondary
Winding Power Rating:
0.54 volts-amperes single component 1st secondary
Winding Power Rating:
3.66 volts-amperes single component 3rd secondary
Winding Power Rating:
5.4 volts-amperes single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
1.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 2.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 3.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 4.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 5.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 6.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 7.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 8.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary and 9.00 ac volts single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
10.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 20.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 30.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 40.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 50.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 60.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 70.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 80.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 90.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 100.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary and 100.00 ac volts single component 3rd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
10.00 ac volts single component single primary and 97.50 ac volts single component single primary and 100.00 ac volts single component single primary and 102.50 ac volts single component single primary and 105.00 ac volts single component single primary and 107.50 ac volts single component single primary and 110.00 ac volts single component single primary and 112.50 ac volts single component single primary and 115.00 ac volts single component single primary and 117.00 ac volts single component single primary and 120.00 ac volts single component single primary and 122.50 ac volts single component single primary and 125.00 ac volts single component single primary
Winding Operating Voltage:
100.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 200.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 300.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 400.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 500.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 600.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 700.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 800.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary and 900.00 ac millivolts single component 1st secondary
Thread Series Designator:
Unf single group
Terminal Type And Quantity:
47 solder stud
Item Name:
Transformer,main Converter
Cage Code:

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Catalog Drilldown
--- Electrical And Electronic Equipment Components
------ Coils And Transformers
--------- Power Transformers
------------ P/N C1038

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Last Updated: 03/11/2025