Product Features
One primary winding; six secondary windings
Technical Specifications of NSN
Reliability Indicator:
Not established
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Length:
2.740 inches single mounting facility single center group and 2.760 inches single mounting facility single center group
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Width:
1.927 inches single mounting facility single center group and 1.947 inches single mounting facility single center group
Overall Width:
Between 2.220 inches and 2.280 inches
Mounting Slot Width:
0.100 inches single group and 0.160 inches single group
Frequency Rating:
400.0 hertz single component
Input-output Phase Relationship:
Three phase to three phase single component
Transformer Winding Connection Type:
Maximum Transformer Power Rating:
446.5 volt-ampere single component
Winding Shielding Method:
Internal shield brought out to terminal single component
Body Length:
Between 2.970 inches and 3.030 inches
Body Height:
Between 1.280 inches and 1.340 inches
Maximum Operating Temp:
155.0 degrees celsius
Mounting Facility Quantity:
4 single group
Mounting Method:
Bracket single group and slot single group
Winding Function And Quantity:
1 primary single component and 6 secondary single component
Winding Operating Current:
2.5 amperes ac single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Current:
1.8 amperes ac single component 3rd secondary
Winding Operating Current:
900.0 milliamperes ac single component 4th secondary
Winding Operating Current:
6.0 amperes ac single component 1st secondary
Winding Power Rating:
238.7 volts-amperes single component 1st secondary
Winding Power Rating:
24.1 volts-amperes single component 4th secondary
Winding Power Rating:
45.4 volts-amperes single component 2nd secondary
Winding Power Rating:
48.3 volts-amperes single component 3rd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
10.50 ac pounds per hour wet single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
15.50 ac pounds per hour wet single component 3rd secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
15.50 ac pounds per hour wet single component 4th secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
113.00 ac pounds per hour dry single component single primary and 195.00 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain single component single primary
Winding Operating Voltage:
23.00 ac pounds per hour wet single component 1st secondary
Winding Operating Voltage:
113.00 ac volts and 195.00 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain single component single primary
Winding Operating Voltage:
10.50 ac volts single component 2nd secondary
Terminal Type And Quantity:
22 wire lead
Item Name:
Other Related Parts
Part Number