Product Technical Spec.
Overall Length:
3.880 inches
Overall Height:
12.660 inches
Overall Width:
5.880 inches
Ac Voltage Rating:
115.0 volts
Dc Voltage Rating:
-250.0 volts
Dc Voltage Rating:
250.0 volts
Dc Voltage Rating:
300.0 volts
Frequency Rating:
400.0 hertz
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Amplifier Name:
Electronic control
Amplifier Information Input Characteristic:
Signal data
Computer Intelligence Input Type:
Attenuator guide slope signal; glide slope signal; amplified guide slope signal return; glide slope signal return; localizer signal; localizer signal return; glide slope flag alarm; glide slope flag alarm return; localizer flag alarm; localizer flag alarm return
Computer Intelligence Output Type:
Amplified glide scope signal; glide slope error-proportional and derivational amplified localizer signal
Fsc Application Data:
Aircraft gunnery fire control
Item Name:
Cross Referenced Parts
No other part numbers with same form, fit, and function found.