Product Technical Spec.
Body Style:
Straight shape
Overall Length:
1.800 inches
Overall Height:
Between 3.095 inches and 3.125 inches
Overall Width:
Between 1.985 inches and 2.015 inches
Environmental Protection:
Corrosion resistant and humidity resistant and salt water resistant and shock resistant and thermal shock resistant and vibration resistant
Unthreaded Mounting Hole Diameter:
0.118 inches
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Height:
2.783 inches
Distance Between Centerlines Of Mounting Facilities Parallel To Body Width:
1.437 inches
Distance From Mounting Shoulder To Front Face:
Between 0.758 inches and 0.764 inches
Contact Position Arrangement Style:
"106, a106" 2nd mating end
Contact Removability:
Removable 1st mating end 2nd contact groupingremovable 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Polarization Method:
3 polarization posts
Connector Locking Method:
Operating Tempurature Rating:
Between -65.0 degrees celsius and 125.0 degrees celsius
Terminal Location:
Back 1st mating end 2nd contact groupingback 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Contact Material:
Copper alloy 1st mating end 2nd contact groupingcopper alloy 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Contact Surface Treatment:
Gold 1st mating end 2nd contact groupinggold 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Insert Material:
Plastic diallyl phthalate glass filled all mating ends or plastic epoxy all mating ends or plastic phenolic all mating ends
Contact Surface Treatment Specification:
Mil-g-45204, type 2, grade c, class 1 military specification single treatment response 1st mating end 2nd contact groupingmil-g-45204, type 2, grade c, class 1 military specification single treatment response 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Terminal Type:
Crimp 1st mating end 2nd contact groupingcrimp 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Guide Design And Location:
Hexagon shape male post right-hand at 1 oclock hexagon shape male post center at 5 oclock hexagon shape male post left-hand at 7 oclock
Shell Material:
Aluminum alloy
Shell Surface Treatment:
Cadmium and chromate
Shell Surface Treatment Specification:
Qq-p-416, type 2 federal specification all treatment responses
Shell Material Specification:
Qq-a-591 federal specification single material response or qq-a-367 federal specification single material response or qq-a-250 federal specification single material response
Insert Material Specification:
Mil-m-14, type gdi-30f or sdg-f military specification 1st material response all mating ends or allied chemical 1288 bx mfr ref 2nd material response all mating ends or mil-m-14 military specification 3rd material response all mating ends
Included Contact Quantity:
29 1st mating end 2nd contact grouping106 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Included Contact Type:
Round pin 1st mating end 2nd contact groupinground pin 2nd mating end single contact grouping
Precious Material And Location:
Contact surfaces gold
Precious Material And Weight:
0.135 gold grains, troy
Item Name:
Wire Receptacle
Cross Referenced Parts
Part Number