Product Features
Motor without gear-fscm 11384, part no. Sqt-02119-a00
Detail Specifications
Overall Length:
4.296 inches
Overall Width:
3.400 inches
Step Diameter:
0.250 inches single end
Step Length:
0.196 inches single end
Shaft Rotation Direction:
Clockwise single end or counterclockwise single end
Inclosure Feature:
Totally enclosed
Mounting Facility Type And Quantity:
4 unthreaded hole
Storage Type:
General purpose warehouse
Cooling Method:
Ambient air
Torque Rating And Type:
150.0 inch-ounces running
Power Rating:
280.000 watts input
Length Of Shaft From Housing:
1.384 inches single end
Tempurature Rating:
-55.0 ambient degrees celsius and 70.0 ambient degrees celsius
Center To Center Distance Between Mounting Facilities Parallel To Width:
3.504 inches
Current Rating In Amps:
10.000 single input
Connection Type And Voltage Rating In Volts:
28.0 line to neutral single input
Shaft End Characteristic:
A12 single style single end
Terminal Type And Quantity:
3 wire lead
Item Name:
Torque Motor Assembly
Manufacturer Part Numbers
Part Number