Detail Specifications
Overall Length:
4.626 inches
Body Outside Diameter:
0.500 inches
Vibration Resistance Range In Hertz:
+5.0 to 2000.0
Reference Frequency Per Function:
106.0 megahertz blank all functions
Source Impedance Rating Per Function:
50.0 ohms blank all functions
Load Impedance Per Function:
50.0 ohms blank all functions
Input Terminal Manufacturer Code:
Input Terminal Identification:
Output Terminal Manufacturer Code:
Output Terminal Identification:
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Per Function:
1.5 blank all functions
Average Power Rating Per Function:
18.0 watts blank all functions
Mounting Facility Type And Quantity:
2 terminal all functions
Insertion Loss At Reference Frequency Per Function In Decibels:
3.0 blank all functions
Functional Terminal Type And Quantity:
1 connector, receptacle input 1st function
Functional Terminal Type And Quantity:
1 connector, receptacle output 2nd function
Specified Frequencies Of Discrimination Per Function:
100.40 megahertz blank and 101.50 megahertz blank and 110.50 megahertz blank and 111.60 megahertz blank all functions
Frequency Band Width Per Function:
101.50 megahertz blank and 110.50 megahertz blank all functions
Discrimination At Specificationified Frequencies Per Function In Decibels:
60.0 blank and 3.0 blank and 3.0 blank and 60.0 blank all functions
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Frequency Limits Per Function:
101.5 megahertz blank and 110.5 megahertz blank all functions
Unpackaged Unit Weight:
0.750 ounces
Style Designator:
Round terminal/terminals on opposite surfaces
Manufacturer Part Numbers
Part Number