Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Refractometer hand immersion type aluminum 3scale direct reading
General Description:
Hand immersion type, aluminum, 3 scale direct reading, urine specific gravity range 1.000 to 1.035 w/0.001 graduated intervals and values marked at each 0.005 graduation, serum or plasma protein 2.500 to 15.000 gm/100ml w/0.1gm/100ml intervals and values marked at each 0.5 graduation, refractive index 0 to 320 w/2.0 intervals and marked at every tenth graduation, temperature compensated measuring prism incorporated, w/recalibration feature, focusing eyepiece, conversion chart, o/a dim. 6.375 in. Lg x 1.250 in. Dia, protective case provided