Material iaw mil-std-982 grade x-5
A geometrically shaped item with one or more edges designed for various machine operations such as boring, cut-off, planing, slotting, threading and turning. It is held in a pocket or other seating surfaces of a holder by mechanical means. It is not designed to be sharpened or reground. Indexable items must have two or more edges. For items designed for grinding, sharpening or with shanks, see cutter bit, tool holder.
Classification: Tool holders and self-opening dieheads, nesoi
NSN 5990-01-421-3325
NSN 5998-01-611-2264
NSN 6650-00-957-8563
NSN 5945-00-568-3155
NSN 5915-00-151-7849
NSN 5915-01-504-5746
NSN 5999-00-916-7498
NSN 5835-01-068-6976
NSN 6220-01-622-5496
NSN 5999-01-321-4753
NSN 6685-01-634-0611
NSN 5905-00-151-4762