General Description:
A completely assembled 4 person circular column shower unit consistingof the following accessories and parts, cres column w/shower heads, mixingchamber and controls, bottom of column shall have a turned flanged boltedto the drain, drain equipped w/a sump 11 in. Diameter or greater, top of columnshall have a removable cover plate, and the diameter of the top section shall be11 in. Or greater, top is accessible to piping connections, for a centrallyrising 2 in. Vent, and a 3/4 in. Hot and cold water supply, the combinationcast iron drain fitting is suitable for installation in a concrete floor, provided w/a 3 in. Spigot end waste connection, a 2 in. Spigot end wasteline vent connection, and a 2 in. Npt female vent connection, to accommodatea centrally located rising vent, column shall be seam welded min. 6 in.Dia, 6 ft h from floor level to shower heads