Technical Specifications of NSN
Overall Length:
8.050 inches
Overall Height:
2.530 inches
Overall Width:
5.050 inches
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Input Voltage Rating:
18.0 dc pounds per hour dry single operating power rqmt and 30.0 dc pounds per hour with retaining chain single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
-5.25 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
5.25 dc volts 1st power output
Features Provided:
Input filter and input to case isolation and output to case isolation and input to output isolation and filter
Output Current Rating:
10.0 dc amperes 2nd power output
Output Current Rating:
20.0 dc amperes 1st power output
Output Connection Quantity:
2 2nd power output
Output Connection Quantity:
2 1st power output
Output Connection Type:
Solder post 1st power output
Output Connection Type:
Solder post 2nd power output
Input Current Rating:
7.5 dc amperes single operating power rqmt and 12.5 dc amperes single operating power rqmt
Item Name:
Wide Range Linear Power Supply Single Output Ac Input
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