Detail Specifications
Overall Length:
7.500 inches
Overall Width:
5.750 inches
Environmental Protection:
Hermetically sealed and moisture proof
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Alternate operating
Input Phase:
Single single operating power rqmt
Input Voltage Rating:
115.0 dc pounds per hour wet single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
15.0 dc volts single power output
Input Frequency Rating:
400.0 hertz single operating power rqmt
Load Type:
Resistive single power output
Output Wattage Rating:
27.0 watts single power output
Rectification Method:
Full on positive voltage
Output Current Rating:
1.8 dc amperes single power output
Output Phase:
Single single power output
Power Supply Output Current/voltage Characteristics:
Constant current single power output and constant voltage single power output
Output Connection Quantity:
3 single power output
Input Connection Type:
Connector, receptacle single operating power rqmt
Input Connection Quantity:
3 single operating power rqmt
Ventilation Design Type:
Ambient air
Item Name:
Voltage Doubler
Manufacturer Part Numbers
Part Number