Technical Specifications of NSN
Overall Length:
11.750 inches
Overall Height:
2.850 inches
Overall Width:
4.980 inches
End Application:
F-15 age; nha 10109796-102; used on ug3500te01
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Input Phase:
Single single operating power rqmt
Input Voltage Rating:
165.0 ac volts single operating power rqmt and 256.0 ac volts single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
-2.0 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
-5.2 dc volts 3rd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
5.0 dc volts 1st power output
Input Frequency Rating:
47.0 hertz single operating power rqmt and 63.0 hertz single operating power rqmt
Features Provided:
Over voltage protector
Output Current Rating:
12.0 dc amperes 1st power output
Output Current Rating:
-4.0 dc amperes 2nd power output
Output Current Rating:
-4.0 dc amperes 3rd power output
Output Connection Quantity:
1 single power output
Output Connection Type:
Terminal strip single power output
Input Connection Type:
Terminal strip single operating power rqmt
Input Connection Quantity:
1 single operating power rqmt
Item Name:
Rack Mounted High Power Ac To Dc Power Supply
Other Related Parts
Part Number
Part Number: