Technical Specifications of NSN
Overall Length:
169.0 millimeters
Overall Height:
261.90 millimeters
Overall Width:
40.34 millimeters
Input Voltage Rating:
36.0 dc volts single operating power rqmt and 72.0 dc volts single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
3.3 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
12.0 dc volts 3rd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
5.0 dc volts 1st power output
Output Wattage Rating:
400.0 watts single power output
Output Current Rating:
50.0 dc amperes 1st power output
Output Current Rating:
7.5 dc amperes 3rd power output
Output Current Rating:
80.0 dc amperes 2nd power output
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Compact pci 6u 8hp 400 watt dc power supply
Item Name:
High Function Layer Switch
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