Product Features
Dual output; chassis mount and screw terminals
Detail Specifications
Overall Length:
3.770 inches
Overall Height:
1.000 inches
Overall Width:
2.160 inches
End Application:
Console control, helm/lee helm 4301777
Input Voltage Rating:
90.0 ac pounds per hour dry single operating power rqmt and 264.0 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
15.0 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
-15.0 dc volts 1st power output
Input Frequency Rating:
47.0 hertz single operating power rqmt and 440.0 hertz single operating power rqmt
Output Wattage Rating:
10.0 watts 1st power output
Output Current Rating:
0.3 dc amperes 2nd power output
Output Current Rating:
-0.3 dc amperes 1st power output
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Ultraminiature modular switching power supply
Item Name:
Power Converter Module Radar Data
Manufacturer Part Numbers
Part Number