Detail Specifications
Overall Length:
14.300 inches
Overall Height:
5.510 inches
Overall Width:
9.840 inches
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Input Phase:
Single single operating power rqmt
Input Voltage Rating:
207.0 ac pounds per hour dry 1st alternate operating power rqmt and 253.0 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain 1st alternate operating power rqmt
Input Voltage Rating:
103.5 ac pounds per hour dry 2nd alternate operating power rqmt and 126.5 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain 2nd alternate operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
-0.0 dc volts 3rd power output and -30.0 dc volts 3rd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
0.0 dc volts 2nd power output and 30.0 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
5.0 dc volts 1st power output
Input Frequency Rating:
50.0 hertz single operating power rqmt and 60.0 hertz single operating power rqmt
Features Provided:
Mode selection switch
Unit Of Issue Weight:
19.58 pounds
Item Name:
Addressable Ac Power Module
Manufacturer Part Numbers
Part Number