Our Updated Products

Products updated with new information.

NSN 2920-00-015-0419 El Engine Starter Relay-solenoid

el engine starter relay-solenoid nsn 2920000150419. the nominal voltage rating is 12.0 volts

03/08/2025 06:31pm
5935-00-012-4066 Electrical Receptacle Connector

length 5.575in. ⁓5-37/64 height 0.5

03/08/2025 06:31pm
3040-00-012-4061 Straight Shaft

length 2.75in. ⁓2-3/4

03/08/2025 06:31pm
NSN 5961-00-017-8862 Diode Semiconductor Device

power rating per characteristic 500 milliwatts total power dissipation

03/08/2025 05:17pm
NSN 9905-00-015-0383 Instruction Plate

instruction plate nsn 9905000150383. the thickness is 0.020 inches

03/08/2025 05:17pm
NSN 5305-00-012-7555 Setscrew

setscrew nsn 5305000127555.

03/08/2025 05:17pm
4730-00-017-8848 Tube To Hose Elbow

leg length 1.5 inches 1st end

03/08/2025 04:18pm
4730-00-017-8842 Tube To Hose Elbow

leg length 0.66 inches 1st end

03/08/2025 04:18pm
NSN 5935-00-015-0410 Electrical Receptacle Connector

electrical receptacle connector nsn 5935000150410.

03/08/2025 04:18pm
NSN 4730-00-017-8840 Tube To Hose Elbow

tube to hose elbow nsn 4730000178840. the maximum operating temp is 450.0 degrees fahrenheit single response

03/08/2025 03:12pm
NSN 5910-00-017-8816 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000178816. the width across flats is 0.312 inches

03/08/2025 03:12pm
NSN 3110-00-017-8900 Ball Bearing

annular ball bearing nsn 3110000178900. the overall width is 0.196 inches

03/08/2025 03:12pm
NSN 5935-00-015-0398 Electrical Connector Shell

electrical connector shell nsn 5935000150398. the body width is 3.687 inches

03/08/2025 02:12pm
NSN 5915-00-015-0397 Radio Frequency Interfere Filter

radio frequency interfere filter nsn 5915000150397. the vibration resistance range in hertz is +10.0 to 55.0

03/08/2025 02:12pm
1560-00-012-7552 Aircraft Skin

nsn 1560000127552. aircraft skin

03/08/2025 02:12pm
NSN 4020-00-015-0417 Fibrous Rope

fibrous rope nsn 4020000150417. the material and location is nylon

03/08/2025 01:05pm
NSN 4710-00-015-0415 Metal Tube Assembly

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000150415. the thread class is 3b single end

03/08/2025 01:05pm
NSN 9905-00-015-0382 Instruction Plate

instruction plate nsn 9905000150382. the material is aluminum alloy

03/08/2025 01:05pm
NSN 9905-00-015-0381 Instruction Plate

instruction plate nsn 9905000150381. the inscription is instructions for changing voltage and bus bar symbols

03/08/2025 12:01pm
NSN 5330-00-012-4937 Gasket

rubber synthetic material

03/08/2025 12:01pm
5330-00-012-4936 Gasket

length between 10.687in. and 10.813in. ⁓10-53/64

03/08/2025 12:01pm
5905-00-012-5223 Non Wire Wound Variable Resistor

length between 1.266in. ⁓1-17/64

03/08/2025 10:51am
5930-00-012-4889 Rotary Switch

length 3.47in. ⁓3-31/64

03/08/2025 10:51am
NSN 5310-00-012-7527 Clinch Plain Nut

clinch plain nut nsn 5310000127527.

03/08/2025 10:51am
NSN 5950-00-012-4882 Electrical Coil

body width 2.65 inches

03/08/2025 09:37am
NSN 5950-00-012-4881 Power Transformer

body length 3.5 inches

03/08/2025 09:37am
NSN 5895-00-012-7493 Delay Line Module

delay line module nsn 5895000127493.

03/08/2025 09:37am
3431-00-018-8326 Welding Torch Collet Body

welding torch collet body with an electrode diameter of 0.04 inches. nsn 3431000188326.

03/08/2025 08:19am
3431-00-018-8329 Welding Nozzle

welding nozzle with an overall length of 0.625in. ⁓5/8 and a mounting end diameter of 0.625 inches. nsn 3431000188329.

03/08/2025 08:19am
NSN 5930-00-012-4880 Rotary Switch

height 1.531

03/08/2025 08:19am
3431-00-018-8307 Welding Torch Cap

welding torch cap nsn 3431000188307.

03/08/2025 07:12am
3431-00-018-8304 Welding Torch Collet Body

welding torch collet body nsn 3431000188304.

03/08/2025 07:12am
5120-00-018-7989 Wrench

steel wrench with a tubular lug and a drive surface size of 0.312 inches single end. nsn 5120000187989.

03/08/2025 07:12am
5315-00-018-7988 Pin

steel pin with a surface treatment cadmium and chromate. the point type is an extended prong square cut. nsn 5315000187988.

03/08/2025 06:02am
5306-00-017-8785 Assembled Washer Bolt

assembled washer bolt nsn 5306000178785. the hardness rating is 40.0 rockwell c and 50.0 rockwell c

03/08/2025 06:02am
NSN 5330-00-017-8782 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000178782. the aperture diameter is 1.31 inches

03/08/2025 06:02am
5305-00-018-7993 Assembled Washer Screw

assembled washer screw with a thread class of 2a. the thread direction is on the right-hand with a thread length of 0.608 inches minimum and 0.719 inches maximum and fastener length of 0.719 inches minimum and 0.750 inches maximum. nsn 5305000187993.

03/08/2025 05:01am
NSN 6680-00-015-0333 Liquid Sight Indicator

liquid sight indicator nsn 6680000150333. oil which the media designed.

03/08/2025 05:01am
5935-00-012-4871 Connector Adapter

width 2.5 inches

03/07/2025 06:17pm
NSN 5355-00-012-4861 Knob

copper material

03/07/2025 06:17pm
NSN 4440-00-012-4856 Dehydrator Cartridge

unpackaged unit weight 1 pounds

03/07/2025 06:17pm
NSN 4820-00-012-4841 Valve Seat

steel body material

03/07/2025 05:14pm
NSN 5895-00-012-7473 Chassis Subassembly

chassis subassembly nsn 5895000127473.

03/07/2025 05:14pm
5865-00-012-7467 Housing Assembly

nsn 5865000127467. housing

03/07/2025 05:14pm
NSN 4810-00-012-4803 Solenoid Valve

copper material

03/07/2025 04:12pm
3030-00-012-4793 V Belt

nominal pitch length 43.8 inches

03/07/2025 04:12pm
NSN 5315-00-012-4480 Headless Grooved Pin

steel material

03/07/2025 04:12pm
2835-00-015-0298 Planetary Gear Assembly

planetary gear assembly nsn 2835000150298. the end item identification is power station model gtcp85-102.

03/07/2025 03:11pm
NSN 5315-00-012-4474 Headless Shoulder Pin

steel material

03/07/2025 03:11pm
NSN 5905-00-012-7401 Thermal

resistor nsn 5905000127401.

03/07/2025 03:11pm