Our Updated Products - Page 11 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 5930-00-018-9199 Switch

overall length 2.938in. ⁓2-61/64 overall width 3 inches

02/22/2025 06:04am
5925-00-018-9198 Circuit Breaker

maximum continuous load current rating per pole 3 amperes ac single location

02/22/2025 06:04am
NSN 5930-00-018-9170 Sensitive Switch

center to center distance between mounting facilities parallel to length 1 inch

02/22/2025 06:04am
3020-00-019-5698 Drive Assembly Gear

drive assembly gear made by instrument support inc. nsn 3020000195698.

02/22/2025 05:01am
Hydraulic Accumulator NSN 3040-00-019-5612

hydraulic accumulator with a cage code of 99167. another reference number is 44-1723. nsn 3040000195612.

02/22/2025 05:01am
5821-00-014-6370 Longwire Wire Assy

longwire wire assy nsn 5821000146370.

02/22/2025 05:01am
5330-00-018-2748 Gasket

cross-sectional shape style no.195 irregular shape from fiig a03200

02/21/2025 06:16pm
NSN 4320-00-018-2719 Rotor

overall length 17.844in. ⁓17-27/32 steel and copper alloy and nickel alloy material

02/21/2025 06:16pm
3610-00-018-7797 Former Hook

former hook nsn 3610000187797.

02/21/2025 06:16pm
NSN 5330-00-018-6913 Gasket

rubber material outside diameter 0.94 inches

02/21/2025 05:06pm
6720-00-018-6909 Camera Control Lever

aluminum black finish 1.115 in. minimum 1.135 in. maximum o/a length 0.25 in. o/a width 0.188 in. o/a height

02/21/2025 05:06pm
5895-00-014-6368 Direct Reproduce Equalizer

direct reproduce equalizer nsn 5895000146368. the fsc application data is the miscellaneous communication equipment

02/21/2025 05:06pm
NSN 5330-00-018-6906 Gasket

overall length 3.59in. ⁓3-19/32 aluminum material

02/21/2025 04:03pm
2990-00-018-6881 Hydr Engine Starter

hydr engine starter nsn 2990000186881.

02/21/2025 04:03pm
5330-00-018-6875 Preformed Packing

cross-sectional shape style 116 irregular shape from old fiig a03200

02/21/2025 04:03pm
3010-00-018-5819 Friction Clutch Assembly

stainless steel round 20 degrees pressure angle 0.516 in. pitch diameter 0.91 in. lg 64 diametrical pitch 33 gear teeth 4.5 oz torque 0.125 in. bore diameter

02/21/2025 02:59pm
5915-00-018-5654 Network

weapon directional equipment

02/21/2025 02:59pm
5895-00-014-6363 Recorder Reproducer Module

recorder reproducer module nsn 5895000146363. the fsc application data is miscellaneous communication equipment

02/21/2025 02:59pm
3439-00-018-4928 Welding Kit

consist of tool box 1 ea flint igniter 1 ea crimping tool 1 ea wire brush 1 ea rasp 1 ea card cloth brush 1 ea adaptor sleeves 100 ea welders 2 ea weld metal 100ea

02/21/2025 01:49pm
3610-00-018-2894 Cylinder

for paste ink

02/21/2025 01:49pm
6115-00-018-2876 Bearing Bracket

16.75 in. od w/eight ea. flange mtg holes 0.375 in. diameter on 16.0625 in. diameter between centers 45 degrees angular spacing casting depth 6.75 in. bearing mtg hole 3.1496 in. dia

02/21/2025 01:49pm
2920-00-018-2770 Spark Plug Wire Set

spark plug wire set nsn 2920000182770.

02/21/2025 12:46pm
5895-00-014-6359 Recorder Tape Arm Assembly

recorder tape arm assembly nsn 5895000146359. the fsc application data is miscellaneous communication equipment

02/21/2025 12:46pm
NSN 1560-00-012-4337 Aircraft Access Cover

1560000124337. aircraft access cover cage code: 89446

02/21/2025 12:46pm
1650-00-018-4890 Valve Ove Parts Kit

consisting of 24 nonmetallic items

02/21/2025 11:31am
2840-00-018-4492 Sc Support

eng j-57

02/21/2025 11:31am
4920-00-018-4491 Toroid Assembly

h-2 seasprite helicopter

02/21/2025 11:31am
2815-00-018-2514 Cell Body

steel 2.275 in. over all lg 1.246 in. diameter on one end 1 in.-20 unef 2b thd on largest end drilled hole through entire lg

02/21/2025 10:26am
5821-00-014-6350 Radio Set Module

radio set module nsn 5821000146350.

02/21/2025 10:26am
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor NSN 5905-00-012-4327

5905000124327. wire wound fixed resistor has a body length of between 0.281 inches and 0.343 inches.

02/21/2025 10:26am
4320-00-018-2463 Pump Coupling Half

pump coupling half nsn 4320000182463.

02/21/2025 09:19am
2910-00-018-2458 Cap Sleeve And Valve

consists of 1valve assembly p/n 13852 1 pin p/n 13870 1 spring p/n 13873 1 sleeve and cap @p/n 14930

02/21/2025 09:19am
5821-00-014-6349 Radio Set Module

radio set module nsn 5821000146349.

02/21/2025 09:19am
4820-00-018-2372 Flat Valve Diaphragm

rubber synthetic material

02/21/2025 08:17am
4820-00-018-2371 Flat Valve Diaphragm

flat valve diaphragm nsn 4820000182371.

02/21/2025 08:17am
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor NSN 5905-00-012-4326

5905000124326. wire wound fixed resistor has a body diameter of 0.25 inches and a body length of 0.312 inches.

02/21/2025 08:17am
1660-00-018-1745 Blinker Assembly

blinker assembly nsn 1660000181745.

02/21/2025 07:14am
1560-00-018-1743 Fitting Assembly

h-2 helicopter

02/21/2025 07:14am
1620-00-018-1741 Spring Cage

spring cage nsn 1620000181741.

02/21/2025 07:14am
NSN 5306-00-018-8978 Bolt

fastener length 0.375in. ⁓3/8 steel material

02/21/2025 06:08am
NSN 5961-00-018-8974 Unitized Semiconductor Devices

overall length between 0.26in. ⁓17/64 current rating per characteristic 600 milliamperes source cutoff current all transistor

02/21/2025 06:08am
5905-00-018-8958 Non Wire Wound Variable Resistor

reliability indicator not established

02/21/2025 06:08am
NSN 2840-00-014-6286 Turbine Engine Nut Assy

turbine en nut assy nsn 2840000146286.

02/21/2025 05:01am
NSN 2840-00-012-4325 Cone Prop Brake Assy

2840000124325. cone prop brake assy has the end item identification: aircraft engine t56.

02/21/2025 05:01am
NSN 5905-00-012-4323 Film Fixed Resistor

5905000124323. film fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 220.0 kilohms.

02/21/2025 05:01am
NSN 5905-00-018-8941 Wound Fixed Resistor

terminal length 1.5 inches body diameter 0.469 inches

02/20/2025 06:02pm
NSN 5905-00-018-8930 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

terminal length 1.5 inches electrical resistance 4.32 kilohms

02/20/2025 06:02pm
NSN 5365-00-014-6282 Shim

shim nsn 5365000146282. the outside diameter is 5.969 inches

02/20/2025 06:02pm
5905-00-018-8809 Induct Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

body length 0.562 inches

02/20/2025 04:57pm
5961-00-018-8806 Diode Semiconductor Device

maximum operating temp per measurement point 150 degrees celsius case

02/20/2025 04:57pm