Our Updated Products - Page 13 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 1260-00-017-2856 Timer

timer nsn 1260000172856. the end item identification is fire control systems.

02/19/2025 05:25pm
NSN 5930-00-017-2854 Unit Switch

unit switch nsn 5930000172854. the end item identification is fire control systems.

02/19/2025 05:25pm
NSN 5920-00-017-2851 Extractor Post Fuseholder

extractor post fuseholder nsn 5920000172851. the body material is plastic glass fiber reinforced. the body style is bushing mounted type. the terminal material is brass.

02/19/2025 05:25pm
Annular Ball Bearing NSN 3110-00-017-2732

annular ball bearing nsn 3110000172732. the overall outside diameter is 2.8346 inches

02/19/2025 04:17pm
NSN 4320-00-017-2740 Rotary Pump Vane

rotary pump vane nsn 4320000172740. the pump design control activity motor is 66897

02/19/2025 04:17pm
NSN 5910-00-017-2731 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

paper dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000172731. the body style is w/o mtg facilities terminal (s) on one end

02/19/2025 04:17pm
NSN 1560-00-017-2711 Fu Release Assembly

fu release assembly nsn 1560000172711. the end item identification is aircraft model h3

02/19/2025 03:17pm
NSN 4710-00-017-2694 Metal Tube Assembly

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000172694. the tubing material is steel mil-t-6845 type 304 cond 1/8h and the tube outside diameter is 0.25 inches

02/19/2025 03:17pm
6130-00-014-6232 Power Supply Subassembly

power supply subassembly nsn 6130000146232. the overall length is 5.187 inches

02/19/2025 03:17pm
NSN 5310-00-017-2677 Hexagon Plain Nut

hexagon plain nut nsn 5310000172677. the nut style is hexagon and the nut height is between 0.341in. and 0.377in. ⁓25/64

02/19/2025 02:06pm
NSN 3120-00-017-2676 Thrust Washer Bearing

thrust washer bearing nsn 3120000172676. the outside diameter is 0.88 inches and the diameter is between 0.451 inches and 0.458 inches

02/19/2025 02:06pm
5920-00-014-6229 Static D Test Plate

static d test plate nsn 5920000146229.

02/19/2025 02:06pm
NSN 5365-00-017-2675 Externally Threaded Ring

externally threaded ring nsn 5365000172675. the chamfer angle in deg is 45.0 also the chamfer length is 0.04 inches

02/19/2025 12:56pm
3940-00-014-6206 Radar Pallet Sling

radar pallet sling nsn 3940000146206. the general characteristics item description is four legs comprise one sling

02/19/2025 12:56pm
NSN 5905-00-012-4017 Film Fixed Resistor

5905000124017. film fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 110.0 kilohms.

02/19/2025 12:56pm
NSN 4720-00-017-2667 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

nonmetallic hose assembly nsn 4720000172667. the inside diameter is 0.25 inches and the outside diameter is 0.375 inches

02/19/2025 11:48am
NSN 4720-00-017-2652 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

nonmetallic hose assembly nsn 4720000172652. the inside diameter is 0.25 inches

02/19/2025 11:48am
6110-00-014-6204 Voltage Regulator

voltage regulator nsn 6110000146204. the overall length is 9.000 inches

02/19/2025 11:48am
NSN 5315-00-018-7820 Shoulder Pin

height between 0.19 inches and 0.141 inches steel material

02/19/2025 10:36am
5962-00-014-6202 Digital Microcircuit

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146202. the body outside diameter is 0.625 inches

02/19/2025 10:36am
NSN 5120-00-012-4016 Nonsurgical Forceps

5120000124016. nonsurgical forceps cage code: s3561 and 30239

02/19/2025 10:36am
NSN 5306-00-018-8125 Assembled Washer Bolt

army weapons command. assembled washer bolt nsn 5306000188125.

02/19/2025 09:29am
NSN 2540-00-018-7870 Vehicular Seat Support

steel casting federal qq-s-681 class 90-60 enamel white finish 3.24 in. o/a width by 3.87 in. effective length 1st end has two 0.44 in. w by 0.66 in. lg slotted holes and two 0.44 in. diameter holes spaced 1-1/4 in. c to c on width and 1-3/4steel material

02/19/2025 09:29am
5940-00-014-6188 Terminal Board

terminal board nsn 5940000146188.

02/19/2025 09:29am
NSN 5305-00-018-7865 Screw

fastener length 0.5in. ⁓1/2 steel material

02/19/2025 08:22am
NSN 5315-00-018-7851 Grooved Pin

overall length between 1.115in. and 1.135in. ⁓1-9/64 steel material

02/19/2025 08:22am
5325-00-014-6187 Forward Radar Stud

forward radar stud nsn 5325000146187. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyanodized

02/19/2025 08:22am
NSN 4820-00-018-7839 Valve

maximum operating temp 100 degrees fahrenheit single response stainless steel material

02/19/2025 07:16am
6130-00-014-6184 Static Power Inverter

static power inverter nsn 6130000146184. the input voltage rating is 28.0 dc volts single operating power rqmt

02/19/2025 07:16am
NSN 5305-00-014-6174 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000146174. the fastener length is 0.459 inches minimum and 0.479 inches maximum

02/19/2025 07:16am
5340-00-014-6170 Loop Clamp

loop clamp nsn 5340000146170. the tongue hole type is round unthreaded.

02/19/2025 06:06am
1560-00-014-6166 Leading Edge Slat Pad

leading edge slat pad nsn 1560000146166. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyqq-a-225/6 housing1.245 in. dia0.720 in. h0.628 in. lg0.300 in. w slot0.060 in. w to accommodate lock ring.

02/19/2025 06:06am
1560-00-014-6162 Air Structural Component Bracket

air structural component bracket nsn 1560000146162. the overall length is 5.160 inches

02/19/2025 06:06am
NSN 5120-00-012-4013 Nonsurgical Forceps

5120000124013. nonsurgical forceps has the general characteristics item description: stainless steel; straight; serrated jaws; 5-3/4 inches length; 3 position snap-lock.

02/19/2025 05:01am
NSN 3020-00-012-4004 Spur Gear

3020000124004. spur gear has a total quantity of 54 standard style teeth.

02/19/2025 05:01am
NSN 3020-00-012-3999 Spur Gear

3020000123999. spur gear has a total quantity of 70 standard style teeth.

02/19/2025 05:01am
NSN 5310-00-012-5112 Plain Nut

plain nut nsn 5310000125112. thread quantity per inch 20

02/18/2025 06:17pm
NSN 3110-00-012-3996 Airframe Ball Bearing

3110000123996. airframe ball bearing has a bore diameter of between 2.0622 inches and 2.0626 inches.

02/18/2025 06:17pm
NSN 5945-00-017-2528 Electromagnetic Relay

winding dc resistance rating 100 ohms single winding

02/18/2025 05:15pm
3040-00-017-2402 Rigid Connecting Link

overall length 4.895in. ⁓4-29/32

02/18/2025 05:15pm
1560-00-014-6161 Door Actuator Lug

door actuator lug nsn 1560000146161. the end item identification is f-9 aircraft

02/18/2025 05:15pm
5305-00-017-2401 Tapping Screw

fastener length 0.375in. ⁓3/8

02/18/2025 04:03pm
5330-00-017-2400 Nonmetallic Round Section Seal

aperture diameter 2 inches

02/18/2025 04:03pm
1560-00-014-6160 Door Actuator Lug

door actuator lug nsn 1560000146160. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyqq-a-3672.990 in. lg2.940 in. w base0.230 in. hspherical type bearing swaged in 1 place.

02/18/2025 04:03pm
NSN 4720-00-017-2388 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

hydrostatic test pressure 2000 pounds per square inch

02/18/2025 02:59pm
5365-00-017-2387 Sleeve Spacer

overall length between 0.562in. and 0.572in. ⁓37/64

02/18/2025 02:59pm
NSN 1560-00-014-6159 Door Actuator Lug

door actuator lug nsn 1560000146159. aluminum alloyqq-a-3672.900 in. lg2.950 in. w base2.500 in. hspherical type bearing swaged in 1 place is the general characteristics item description

02/18/2025 02:59pm
5998-00-017-2358 Circuit Card Assembly

overall length 4.5in. ⁓4-1/2

02/18/2025 01:47pm
NSN 1560-00-014-6158 Door Actuator Lug

door actuator lug nsn 1560000146158. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyqq-a-3672.900 in. lg2.950 in. w base2.500 in. hspherical type bearing swaged 1 place

02/18/2025 01:47pm
NSN 2915-00-012-4299 Fuel Cap Assembly

2915000124299. fuel cap assembly cage code: 89513 and 72914

02/18/2025 01:47pm