Our Updated Products - Page 19 of 100

Products updated with new information.

5320-00-020-4900 Tubular Rivet

tubular rivet nsn 5320000204900. hole depth: between 0.19 inch and 0.141 inch. shear strength: 26000 double pounds per square inch. countersink angle: between 148 degrees and 150 degrees.

02/11/2025 02:54pm
5985-00-018-3325 Variable Attenuator

overall length 3.375in. ⁓3-3/8

02/11/2025 02:54pm
5340-00-014-5970 Instrument Mounting Clamp

instrument mounting clamp nsn 5340000145970. the inside diameter is 1.890 inches

02/11/2025 02:54pm
5340-00-018-3368 Butt Hinge

overall length 18in. ⁓18-1/64

02/11/2025 01:53pm
NSN 5340-00-014-5964 Retaining Strap

retaining strap nsn 5340000145964. the distance between mounting hole centers is 4.658 inches minimum and 4.718 inches maximum

02/11/2025 01:53pm
NSN 3020-00-014-5805 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000145805. the surface treatment document and classification is mil-std-171finish no. 5.4.1 mil std single treatment response

02/11/2025 01:53pm
NSN 1560-00-012-5659 Fitting

fitting nsn 1560000125659.

02/11/2025 12:51pm
NSN 1560-00-012-4241 Free Wheeling Cam

1560000124241. free wheeling cam cage code: 78286

02/11/2025 12:51pm
5305-00-012-5652 Machine

nsn 5305000125652. machine

02/11/2025 11:47am
NSN 6680-00-018-2880 Sealing Plug Assembly

sealing plug assembly nsn 6680000182880. the material is steel. the material is rubber and steel. the surface treatment is any acceptable.

02/11/2025 10:42am
NSN 5340-00-018-2788 Helical Compression Spr Retainer

helical compression spr retainer nsn 5340000182788. the style designator is parallel. the material is steel. the body inside diameter is 0.73 inches.

02/11/2025 10:42am
3020-00-014-5802 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000145802. the teeth quantity is 81

02/11/2025 10:42am
5962-00-018-3005 Digital Microcircuit

body length 0.175 inches

02/11/2025 09:32am
1560-00-014-5791 Fitting Assembly

fitting assembly nsn 1560000145791.

02/11/2025 09:32am
NSN 3020-00-012-3995 Spur Gear

3020000123995. spur gear has a total quantity of 68 standard style teeth.

02/11/2025 09:32am
NSN 5305-00-018-2927 screw

fastener length between 0.969in. and 1in. ⁓1/64 hardness rating 38 rockwell c and 43 rockwell c

02/11/2025 08:22am
NSN 4720-00-018-2580 Preformed Hose

preformed hose nsn 4720000182580. the wall thickness is 0.188 inches. the inside diameter is 0.75 inches. the working length is 14.125 inches.

02/11/2025 07:12am
NSN 4710-00-018-2560 Metal Tube Assembly

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000182560. the wall thickness is 0.025 inches the tube outside diameter is 0.188 inches. the special features are threaded internal tube type end connections.

02/11/2025 07:12am
NSN 1560-00-014-5789 Roller Stowage Ramp Fitting

roller stowage ramp fitting nsn 1560000145789. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy comp 356; 1.750 inch dia on one end; 0.800 inch height;four holes 0.098 inc dia

02/11/2025 07:12am
5961-00-018-1799 Diode Semiconductor Device

the terminal type and quantity is 2 uninsulated wire lead

02/11/2025 06:04am
5961-00-018-1798 Diode Semiconductor Device

the current rating per characteristic is 4.5 milliamperes repetitive peak forward current

02/11/2025 06:04am
NSN 5961-00-018-1794 Semiconductor Device Rectifier

semiconductor device rectifier nsn 5961000181794. the overall length is 2.25in. ⁓2-1/4

02/11/2025 06:04am
5961-00-018-1795 Diode Semiconductor Device

the overall diameter is 0.5in. ⁓1/2

02/11/2025 05:01am
1560-00-014-5786 Air Structural Component Support

air structural component support nsn 1560000145786. the material is made of glass fiber

02/11/2025 05:01am
NSN 3439-00-018-1717 Electric Soldering Iron Tip

electric soldering iron tip nsn 3439000181717. the tip end style is screwdriver. the bend angle in degrees is 45. the temp rating is 500 degrees fahrenheit.

02/10/2025 05:53pm
5961-00-018-1712 Transistor

the power rating per characteristic is 500.0 milliwatts small-signal input power common-collector

02/10/2025 05:53pm
5961-00-018-1708 Diode Semiconductor Device

the semiconductor material is silicon

02/10/2025 05:53pm
2805-00-018-2789 Engine Poppet Valve Rocker Arm

engine poppet valve rocker arm nsn 2805000182789.

02/10/2025 04:51pm
NSN 3040-00-018-2479 Helical Gearshaft

helical gearshaft nsn 3040000182479. the tooth direction is left. the shaft material is steel. the gear material is steel.

02/10/2025 04:51pm
5310-00-012-5629 Nut

nsn 5310000125629. plain nut

02/10/2025 04:51pm
NSN 1430-00-012-4339 Selector-test Progr

1430000124339. selector-test progr cage code: 80058 and 97942

02/10/2025 03:45pm
NSN 5340-00-012-4338 Rim Lock

5340000124338. rim lock has a combination design type.

02/10/2025 03:45pm
NSN 3020-00-012-3936 Spur Gear

3020000123936. spur gear has a total quantity of 90 standard style teeth.

02/10/2025 03:45pm
Spur Gear NSN 3020-00-012-3933

3020000123933. spur gear has the material document and classification: qq-a-225/8 t6 federal specification single material response.

02/10/2025 02:38pm
NSN 4310-00-012-4320 Timer Box Assembly

4310000124320. timer box assembly cage code: 0kdp7 16004 and 58163

02/10/2025 01:37pm
NSN 5940-00-012-3928 Terminal Board

5940000123928. terminal board has a center to center distance between terminal of 0.842 inches.

02/10/2025 01:37pm
Beam Assembly NSN 1560-00-012-4040

1560000124040. beam assembly has the end item identification: c-130 aircraft.

02/10/2025 12:32pm
Beam Assembly NSN 1560-00-012-4021

1560000124021. beam assembly has the general characteristics item description: c/0 beam cap lock bolts collar track.

02/10/2025 12:32pm
NSN 3040-00-012-4020 Bell Crank Door Latch Shaft

3040000124020. bell crank door latch shaft cage code: 81205 0fyd8 and 77272

02/10/2025 12:32pm
NSN 2520-00-012-4757 Automotive Axle Shaft

automotive axle shaft nsn 2520000124757.

02/10/2025 11:32am
NSN 5935-00-018-1688 Connector Adapter

connector adapter nsn 5935000181688. the shell type is solid. the shell material is copper alloy. the shell surface treatment is gold.

02/10/2025 10:31am
5360-00-014-5956 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000145956. the coil helix direction is right-hand or left-hand

02/10/2025 10:31am
NSN 6105-00-012-4301 Motor Field Winding

6105000124301. motor field winding cage code: 20154

02/10/2025 10:31am
NSN 3439-00-018-1726 Electric Soldering Iron Tip

electric soldering iron tip nsn 3439000181726. the tip length is 1.156 inches. the tip type is straight. the tip width is 0.188 inches.

02/10/2025 09:25am
NSN 5950-00-018-9263 Transformer

transformer body length 2 inches winding operating voltage 110 ac volts single component single primary

02/10/2025 09:25am
NSN 5305-00-018-1667 Head Cap Screw

fastener length 1.125in. ⁓1-1/8 steel material

02/10/2025 07:08am
NSN 5120-00-018-1660 Spanner Wrench Socket

overall length 1.75in. ⁓1-3/4 steel material

02/10/2025 07:08am
NSN 5305-00-018-1659 Head Cap Screw

fastener length between 0.719in. and 0.75in. ⁓3/4 steel material

02/10/2025 07:08am
NSN 4920-00-018-1556 Low Pre Adapter Kit

low pre adapter kit nsn 4920000181556. another reference number is k5559635-503. the cage code is 88277.

02/10/2025 06:04am
NSN 5120-00-018-1555 Socket Wrench Socket

socket wrench socket nsn 5120000181555. the feature provided is manual tool. the wrenching surface size is 0.344 inches single end. the nondefinitive spec/std data is 1 type and 2 class.

02/10/2025 06:04am