Our Updated Products - Page 28 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 3020-00-012-3986 Spur Gear

3020000123986. spur gear has a total quantity of 96 standard style teeth.

01/30/2025 07:09am
2920-00-017-0815 Battery Hold Down

battery hold down nsn 2920000170815.

01/30/2025 06:08am
NSN 6150-00-017-0813 Battery Lead

center to center distance between terminal holes 61 inches copper material

01/30/2025 06:08am
Drive Screw NSN 5305-00-014-5367

drive screw nsn 5305000145367. the fastener length is 0.188inches. ⁓13/64inches

01/30/2025 06:08am
NSN 1560-00-017-0679 Aircraft Skin

aluminum material

01/30/2025 05:00am
NSN 1560-00-017-0671 Aircraft Skin

aluminum material

01/30/2025 05:00am
NSN 1560-00-017-0627 Seal Panel Gusset

seal panel gusset nsn 1560000170627. the end item identification is aircraft model f4

01/30/2025 05:00am
Handle Control Ball NSN 3930-00-016-9836

tiffin parts l.l.c. handle control ball nsn 3930000169836.

01/29/2025 06:04pm
Stee Drive Assembly NSN 3930-00-016-9835

tiffin parts l.l.c. stee drive assembly nsn 3930000169835.

01/29/2025 06:04pm
NSN 6685-00-012-3734 Heating Element Thermocouple

6685000123734. heating element thermocouple has a cylindrical case type.

01/29/2025 06:04pm
Rubber Ring NSN 3610-00-016-9788

rubber ring nsn 3610000169788.

01/29/2025 05:03pm
Fiber Plug NSN 3610-00-016-9787

fiber plug nsn 3610000169787.

01/29/2025 05:03pm
NSN 6150-00-012-3732 E Special Purpose Cable Assembly

6150000123732. e special purpose cable assembly has an overall length of 72.0 inches.

01/29/2025 05:03pm
Drive Screw NSN 5305-00-014-5364

drive screw nsn 5305000145364. the pilot diameter is between 0.046 inches and 0.049 inches and the pilot length is 0.045 inches

01/29/2025 03:52pm
Drive Screw NSN 5305-00-014-5361

drive screw nsn 5305000145361. the pilot diameter is between 0.046 inches and 0.049 inches

01/29/2025 03:52pm
NSN 5365-00-012-3720 Ring Spacer

5365000123720. ring spacer has an inside diameter of 1.25 inches and an outside diameter of 1.625 inches.

01/29/2025 03:52pm
NSN 2040-00-012-3713 Strainer Cylinder

2040000123713. strainer cylinder cage code: 72922

01/29/2025 02:44pm
Filler Cap Adapter NSN 1560-00-012-3609

1560000123609. filler cap adapter is made of aluminum alloy.

01/29/2025 02:44pm
NSN 5905-00-012-3603 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000123603. wire wound fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 100.0 ohms.

01/29/2025 02:44pm
4910-00-016-8834 Tire Bead Adjuster

tire bead adjuster nsn 4910000168834.

01/29/2025 01:34pm
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor NSN 5905-00-012-3584

5905000123584. wire wound fixed resistor has a resistance tolerance of between -3.0% and 3.0%.

01/29/2025 01:34pm
Nonmetallic Hose Assembly NSN 4720-00-012-3581

4720000123581. nonmetallic hose assembly has a burst test pressure of 11000.0 pounds per square inch.

01/29/2025 01:34pm
NSN 5340-00-016-8779 Spacing Threaded Standoff

spacing threaded standoff nsn 5340000168779.

01/29/2025 12:29pm
NSN 5340-00-016-8773 Threaded Hinged Standoff

threaded hinged standoff nsn 5340000168773.

01/29/2025 12:29pm
Electrical Power Cable NSN 6145-00-016-8768

military specifications. the strand awg size per conductor is 34 all conductors

01/29/2025 12:29pm
NSN 5330-00-012-3516 Gasket

5330000123516. gasket has a hole diameter of 0.46 inches and a bolt circle diameter of 5.75 inches.

01/29/2025 11:27am
NSN 5330-00-012-3514 Gasket

5330000123514. gasket has an overall length of 5.25 inches and an overall width of 3.75 inches.

01/29/2025 11:27am
NSN 4140-00-012-3506 Centrifugal Fan

4140000123506. centrifugal fan has a width of 3.25 inches and a length of 3.82 inches.

01/29/2025 11:27am
3610-00-017-0015 Paper R Spindle Box

pacific/hoe saw and knife paper r spindle box nsn 3610000170015

01/29/2025 10:24am
2530-00-016-9956 Brake Handle Spacer

navistar intl corp brake handle spacer nsn 2530000169956

01/29/2025 10:24am
NSN 5310-00-012-3328 Hexagon Plain Nut

5310000123328. hexagon plain nut has a hexagon nut style and a nut height of between 0.617 inches and 0.665 inches.

01/29/2025 10:24am
5365-00-016-9928 Nonmetallic Bushing

harris corporation nonmetallic bushing nsn 5365000169928

01/29/2025 09:19am
Plain Tapered Pin NSN 5315-00-016-9923

plain tapered pin nsn 5315000169923. the material document and classification is l-p-516 type e-2 mfr ref single material response

01/29/2025 09:19am
2990-00-016-9922 Headlight Rim

navistar intl corp headlight rim nsn 2990000169922

01/29/2025 09:19am
NSN 3930-00-016-9647 Spring Clip Spacer

spring clip spacer nsn 3930000169647. another reference number is p7690

01/29/2025 08:17am
3930-00-016-9646 Outer Shaft

outer shaft nsn 3930000169646

01/29/2025 08:17am
3930-00-016-9645 Inner Shaft

inner shaft nsn 3930000169645

01/29/2025 08:17am
5305-00-016-7125 Machine Screw

thread length between 0.481in. and 0.562in. ⁓9/16

01/29/2025 07:08am
NSN 5305-00-012-3325 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

5305000123325. hexagon head cap screw has a quantity of of 28 threads per inch.

01/29/2025 07:08am
NSN 5365-00-016-7094 Plate Spacer

steel material

01/29/2025 06:06am
NSN 5815-00-016-7116 Blade Driv Assembly

aeire corp recorder facsimile 19-inch weather map complete alden model 319ea

01/29/2025 06:06am
NSN 5970-00-016-8244 Insulationxsleeving

insulation sleeving nsn 5970000168244.

01/29/2025 06:06am
NSN 5920-00-016-6784 Cartridge Fuse

s & c electric company cartridge fuse nsn 5920000166784.

01/29/2025 05:01am
NSN 5920-00-016-6776 Cartridge Fuse

s & c electric company cartridge fuse nsn 5920000166776.

01/29/2025 05:01am
5310-00-016-6736 Clinch Self-locking Nut

pilot length 0.033 inches

01/29/2025 05:01am
NSN 6105-00-016-6881 Alternating Current Motor

franklin electric alternating current motor nsn 6105000166881.

01/28/2025 06:12pm
NSN 6145-00-016-6846 Electrical Wire

remington office equipment electrical wire nsn 6145000166846.

01/28/2025 06:12pm
5305-00-016-6841 Machine Screw

thread length between 0.375in. ⁓3/8

01/28/2025 06:12pm
Gasket NSN 5330-00-016-6118

gasket nsn 5330000166118. the outside diameter is 2.187 inches

01/28/2025 05:09pm
Lock Washer NSN 5310-00-016-6108

lock washer nsn 5310000166108. the outside diameter is between 0.227 inches and 0.247 inches

01/28/2025 05:09pm