Our Updated Products - Page 32 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 5305-00-012-4120 Setscrew

steel material

02/07/2025 10:33am
NSN 2840-00-012-3271 Engine Mount Shipping Cover

2840000123271. engine mount shipping cover cage code: 00198

02/07/2025 10:33am
5975-00-012-4116 Junction Box Cover

aluminum material

02/07/2025 09:16am
NSN 3040-00-012-4115 Straight Shaft

steel material

02/07/2025 09:16am
NSN 2840-00-012-3269 Oil Vent Shipping Cover

2840000123269. oil vent shipping cover cage code: 98247 and 00198

02/07/2025 09:16am
Spur Gear NSN 3020-00-012-3998

3020000123998. spur gear has an end diameter of 0.25 inches and a first step length of 0.19 inches.

02/07/2025 08:07am
NSN 5360-00-012-3264 Compression Helical Spring

5360000123264. compression helical spring has the end style: spring end squared and ground both ends

02/07/2025 08:07am
5210-00-018-0210 Gage

gage nsn 5210000180210.

02/07/2025 07:06am
NSN 5930-00-018-0209 Switch

body length between 1.922 inches and 1.952 inches maximum voltage rating in volts 115 ac and 28 dc

02/07/2025 07:06am
NSN 5305-00-018-0207 Head Cap Screw

minimum tensile strength 120000 pounds per square inch steel material

02/07/2025 07:06am
5340-00-018-0200 Access Door Hinge

access door hinge nsn 5340000180200.

02/07/2025 06:02am
NSN 5325-00-018-0198 Ring

material diameter 0.041 inches steel material

02/07/2025 06:02am
5935-00-014-5830 Plug-in Electronic Compon Socket

plug-in electronic compon socket nsn 5935000145830. the overall width is 0.390 inches

02/07/2025 06:02am
5962-00-007-7862 Digital Microcircuit

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000077862 has a body length between 0.55 inches and 0.65 inches and a body width between 0.3 inches and 0.4 inches.

02/07/2025 05:01am
NSN 5962-00-007-7861 Digital Microcircuit

body length is between 0.66 inches and 0.785 inches. body width is between 0.22 inches and 0.28 inches. body height is between 0.14 inches and 0.18 inches.

02/07/2025 05:01am
NSN 6610-00-014-5818 Gear And Shaft Assy

gear and shaft assy nsn 6610000145818. another reference number is 1617860-2 and the cage code is 99251

02/07/2025 05:01am
NSN 5306-00-018-0083 Bolt

fastener length 1.5in. ⁓1-1/2 steel material

02/06/2025 06:52pm
NSN 5306-00-018-0082 Machine Bolt

fastener length 1.375in. ⁓1-3/8 steel material

02/06/2025 06:52pm
NSN 4820-00-012-3260 Valve Seat

4820000123260. valve seat has an overall height of between 0.785 inches and 0.795 inches.

02/06/2025 06:52pm
5306-00-018-0080 Bolt

thread length 1.062in. ⁓1-1/16 steel material

02/06/2025 05:51pm
NSN 5306-00-018-0079 Bolt

minimum tensile strength 84000 pounds per square inch steel material

02/06/2025 05:51pm
NSN 3020-00-014-5808 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000145808. the end nominal length is 0.094 inches first end and the end nominal diameter is 0.093 inches first end

02/06/2025 05:51pm
NSN 5306-00-018-0076 Bolt

hardness rating 23 rockwell c and 30 rockwell c steel material

02/06/2025 04:45pm
NSN 5306-00-018-0074 Bolt

minimum tensile strength 120000 pounds per square inch steel material

02/06/2025 04:45pm
NSN 5306-00-018-0073 Bolt

fastener length 0.5in. ⁓1/2 steel material

02/06/2025 04:45pm
5306-00-018-0056 Machine Bolt

the grip length is 0.156 inches

02/06/2025 03:41pm
Control Sector Gear NSN 6220-00-018-0047

another reference number is b-6921-3

02/06/2025 03:41pm
5305-00-018-0046 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

the material is steel but the surface treatment is cadmium

02/06/2025 03:41pm
1650-00-018-0038 Governor Tang

governor tang nsn 1650000180038.

02/06/2025 02:38pm
1650-00-018-0035 Retainer And Seal A

used on p-n 695321a hydraulic motor

02/06/2025 02:38pm
1560-00-014-5782 Door Landing Gear Sill

door landing gear sill nsn 1560000145782. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyqq-a-367condition 7075-t6

02/06/2025 02:38pm
NSN 5998-00-020-0095 Circuit Card Assembly

circuit card assembly nsn 5998000200095. another reference number is 717019-801. the cage code is 37695.

02/06/2025 01:37pm
1650-00-019-9616 Hydraulic Motor-pump Piston

steel ams 6440 0.5666 in. min 0.5667 in. max dia 1.322 in. min 1.332in. max lg rockwell c62 to c65 hardness

02/06/2025 01:37pm
NSN 5305-00-018-0034 Head Cap Screw

fastener length 1.5in. ⁓1-1/2 steel material

02/06/2025 01:37pm
5330-00-017-9978 Seal Vapor Retainer

titanium alloy

02/06/2025 12:36pm
1560-00-017-9977 Cable Contr Support

cable contr support nsn 1560000179977.

02/06/2025 12:36pm
1560-00-014-5780 Bypass Fitting

bypass fitting nsn 1560000145780. the end item identification is a-4 aircraft.

02/06/2025 12:36pm
NSN 3110-00-019-9386 Duplex Ball Bearing

bfm energy products

02/06/2025 11:31am
NSN 3040-00-019-9380 Rigid Connecting Link

bell helicopter textron

02/06/2025 11:31am
NSN 5315-00-019-9379 Quick Release Pin

steel material

02/06/2025 11:31am
NSN 4730-00-019-9355 Pipe To Tube Elbow

leg length 1.062 inches 1st end

02/06/2025 10:28am
Washer NSN 5310-00-019-9196

steel washer manufactured by kearfott corporation. the cage code is 88818. cross reference is c312009113. the part series is c3120091. nsn 5310000199196.

02/06/2025 10:28am
5330-00-014-5776 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000145776. the sectional thickness cross is 0.125 inches.

02/06/2025 10:28am
Washer NSN 5310-00-019-9154

washer is manufactured by western sky industries inc. the cage code is 64731. cross reference parts are 01-006189-002 110002-101 112811 21784-3 48900-a 48900a 52 a3249026 d1-024948 item no.6 d60-971-27pc42 w2028-022. nsn 5310000199154.

02/06/2025 09:24am
1560-00-014-5772 Aircraft Fuel Tank

aircraft fuel tank nsn 1560000145772. the end item identification is aircraft model sh-3a

02/06/2025 09:24am
NSN 3120-00-012-3232 Sleeve Bushing

3120000123232. sleeve bushing has a right flange outside diameter of between 0.6294 inches and 0.6297 inches.

02/06/2025 09:24am
NSN 4920-00-019-8902 Position Indicator

nsn 4920000198902 is manufactured by general electric company. cage codes are 24446 & 07482. cross reference part is 1c2994-19g2. part series is 1c2994.

02/06/2025 08:23am
NSN 5342-00-019-8611 Headset Bracket

nsn 5342000198611 is manufactured by lockheed martin corporation. the cage code is 98897. the part series are 925940 & ad50005. the cross reference parts are 925940-1 & ad50005-739.

02/06/2025 08:23am
NSN 1720-00-019-8610 End Plate

nsn 1720000198610 has a part series of 318153. there is a cross reference number of 318153-1. manufactured by naval air warfare center aircraft. cage code: 80020.

02/06/2025 08:23am
NSN 5961-00-018-1217 Diode Semiconductor Device

diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000181217. the inclosure material is glass and metal. the features provided are hermetically sealed case. the semiconductor material is silicon.

02/06/2025 07:20am