Our Updated Products - Page 4 of 100

Products updated with new information.

1680-00-018-7646 Pedal

steel pedal with knuckle width of 0.375 in. nsn 1680000187646.

03/02/2025 01:43pm
NSN 5815-00-017-6424 Teletypewriter Selector Bar

teletypewriter selector bar nsn 5815000176424. the general characteristics item description is steel o/a; copper plate per mil-c-14550; copper removed from thin edges; 10.37 in. lgo/a

03/02/2025 12:37pm
NSN 5815-00-017-6423 Teletypewriter Selector Bar

teletypewriter selector bar nsn 5815000176423. the general characteristics item description is steel per qq-s-636 o/a; copper plate per mil-c-14550; copper removed on thin edges; two index holes

03/02/2025 12:37pm
3110-00-019-0996 Pulley Bearing

pulley bearing nsn 3110000190996.

03/02/2025 11:34am
5910-00-014-6547 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146547. the body style is w/o mtg facilities terminal(s) on one surface

03/02/2025 11:34am
5305-00-012-5673 Tapping Screw

tapping screw nsn 5305000125673.

03/02/2025 11:34am
5315-00-019-0957 Pin

pin nsn 5315000190957.

03/02/2025 10:27am
5895-00-019-0944 E Communication Modification Kit

e communication modification kit nsn 5895000190944.

03/02/2025 10:27am
5930-00-014-6536 Rotary Switch

rotary switch nsn 5930000146536. the thread length is 0.375 inches single mounting facility.

03/02/2025 10:27am
5961-00-019-0941 Diode Semiconductor Device

overall length 0.375in. ⁓3/8

03/02/2025 09:18am
NSN 4140-00-019-0928 Fan Impeller

diameter 8.5 inches aluminum material 4140-00-019-0928

03/02/2025 09:18am
NSN 6240-00-019-0918 Lamp

overall length between 1.438in. ⁓1-29/64 average life rating in hours 1000

03/02/2025 09:18am
NSN 6240-00-019-0917 Lamp

overall length between 1.438in. ⁓1-29/64 voltage rating 14 volts

03/02/2025 08:17am
6240-00-019-0878 Incandescent Lamp

overall length between 1.438in. ⁓1-29/64

03/02/2025 07:07am
NSN 5305-00-019-0798 Washer Screw

fastener length 0.312in. ⁓5/16 steel material

03/02/2025 06:04am
4320-00-018-7631 Valve

curtiss-wright electro-mechanical valve. nsn 4320000187631.

03/02/2025 06:04am
NSN 9905-00-014-6643 Identification Plate

identification plate nsn 9905000146643. the thickness is 0.032inches. ⁓3/64inches

03/02/2025 06:04am
Low Pass Filter NSN 5915-00-014-6642

low pass filter nsn 5915000146642. the overall length is 1.215inches. ⁓1-7/32inches

03/02/2025 05:01am
6150-00-018-7614 E Special Purpose Cable Assembly

e special purpose cable assembly. nsn 6150000187614.

03/01/2025 06:14pm
NSN 3020-00-019-0859 Bevel Gear

bevel gear nsn 3020000190859. the teeth quantity is 12. the bore style is plain both ends. the teeth type is straight.

03/01/2025 06:14pm
NSN 3020-00-019-0858 Bevel Gear

bevel gear nsn 3020000190858. the material is copper alloy. the style designator is peripheral face back hub protruding. the pressure angle is 20 degrees and 45 degrees.

03/01/2025 05:09pm
NSN 6210-00-019-0844 Light

overall length 2.467in. ⁓2-15/32 copper material

03/01/2025 05:09pm
5930-00-019-0842 Thermostatic Switch

overall length 2.562in. ⁓2-9/16

03/01/2025 05:09pm
NSN 5310-00-019-0672 Washer

outside diameter between 0.365 inches and 0.381 inches copper material

03/01/2025 03:57pm
NSN 5310-00-019-0670 Washer

hole diameter between 0.168in. and 0.176in. ⁓3/16 copper material

03/01/2025 03:57pm
NSN 5961-00-014-6640 Transistor

transistor nsn 5961000146640. the voltage rating in volts per characteristic is 5.0 amperes source cutoff current

03/01/2025 03:57pm
NSN 5310-00-019-0669 Lock Washer

hole diameter between 0.141in. and 0.15in. ⁓5/32 copper material

03/01/2025 02:52pm
NSN 3020-00-019-0657 Worm Wheel Gear

pressure angle 20 degrees copper material

03/01/2025 02:52pm
NSN 3030-00-019-0643 Drive Belt

nominal pitch length 56 inches rubber synthetic body and plastic polyamide body material

03/01/2025 02:52pm
NSN 5315-00-019-0642 Straight Pin

pin overall length 0.25 inches copper material

03/01/2025 01:47pm
5961-00-014-6636 Diode Semiconductor Device

diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000146636. the inclosure material is metal

03/01/2025 01:47pm
NSN 5910-00-012-5583 Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

nsn 5910000125583. mica dielectric fixed capacitor

03/01/2025 01:47pm
NSN 4820-00-019-0636 Seat

overall height 1.062 inches plastic polyamide material

03/01/2025 12:36pm
5910-00-014-6635 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146635. the body style is w/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminals

03/01/2025 12:36pm
NSN 5905-00-012-5582 Fixed Resistor

fixed resistor nsn 5905000125582.

03/01/2025 12:36pm
2520-00-019-0573 Universal Joint Parts Kit

universal joint parts kit nsn 2520000190573.

03/01/2025 11:31am
2530-00-019-0569 Hydraulic Brake Master Parts Kit

cup hydraulic brake cylinder 2 seal piston rod 1 boot dust and moisture seal 1 check valve 1 washer flat 1 piston 1

03/01/2025 11:31am
NSN 6645-00-019-0554 Timer

overall height 3.75 inches voltage in volts 115

03/01/2025 11:31am
NSN 6685-00-019-0552 Indicating Pressure Gage

overall diameter 5.812in. ⁓5-13/16 aluminum material

03/01/2025 10:24am
NSN 6685-00-019-0551 Indicating Pressure Gage

overall depth 3.19 inches copper material

03/01/2025 10:24am
NSN 5310-00-019-0676 Lock Washer

hole diameter between 0.32in. and 0.332in. ⁓11/32 copper material

03/01/2025 10:24am
4030-00-018-7602 Shackle

shackle. nsn 4030000187602.

03/01/2025 09:18am
6605-00-018-7266 Spring

interstate electronics corporation spring. nsn 6605000187266.

03/01/2025 09:18am
6605-00-018-7247 Strobe

interstate electronics corporation strobe assembly. nsn 6605000187247.

03/01/2025 08:17am
5310-00-018-7241 Washer

steel washer with 0.072in thickness and 0.4687in diameter. nsn 5310000187241.

03/01/2025 08:17am
6110-00-014-6624 Indicator-control Assembly

indicator-control assembly nsn 6110000146624. the general characteristics item description is 3.080 in. lg1.200 in. w0.960 in. hpanel mtd in 0.870 in. by 1.110 in. cutout

03/01/2025 08:17am
5998-00-018-7210 Electronic Components

interstate electronics corporation electronic components for aircraft model s-2. nsn 5998000187210.

03/01/2025 07:11am
6605-00-018-7206 Memory Set

interstate electronics corp. memory set. nsn 6605000187206.

03/01/2025 07:11am
5810-00-014-6622 Ri Housing Assembly

ri housing assembly nsn 5810000146622.

03/01/2025 07:11am
2990-00-018-7201 Hand Engine Starter Parts Kit

hand engine starter parts kit. nsn 2990000187201.

03/01/2025 06:06am