Our Updated Products - Page 4 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 5998-00-018-9596 Circuit Card Assembly

nsn 5998000189596. circuit card assembly.

03/04/2025 12:38pm
NSN 5820-00-012-5111 Sun

sun nsn 5820000125111.

03/04/2025 12:38pm
NSN 5998-00-018-9591 Circuit Card Assembly

nsn 5998000189591. circuit card assembly.

03/04/2025 11:37am
1560-00-019-2712 Elevat Strip Weight

elevat strip weight. nsn 1560000192712.

03/04/2025 11:37am
1560-00-019-2716 Elev Strip Weight

uranium elev strip weight. 8 mtg holes 0.25 in. min 0.255 in. max dia 22.95 lb min 23.39 lb max weight. nsn 1560-00-019-2716

03/04/2025 11:37am
5310-00-019-1583 Washer

washer nsn 5310000191583. the material is steel comp 302. the surface treatment is passivate. the style designator is key.

03/04/2025 10:39am
5305-00-019-1579 Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000191579. the screw material is steel. the thread series designator is unf. the countersink angle is between 80.0 degrees and 82.0 degrees.

03/04/2025 10:39am
NSN 1005-00-017-9542 Upper Receiver

upper receiver nsn 1005000179542. the general characteristics item description is 5.56 mm/.223 in./upper receiver unit for model m16a1

03/04/2025 09:26am
5310-00-015-0009 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000150009. the hole diameter is 0.380 inches minimum and 0.400 inches maximum.

03/04/2025 09:26am
5365-00-015-0008 Shim

shim nsn 5365000150008. the construction is one-piece

03/04/2025 09:26am
5365-00-018-7959 Shim

bourns instruments inc shim. nsn 5365000187959.

03/04/2025 07:18am
NSN 5935-00-018-9082 Electrical Plug Connector

malco technologies llc. electrical plug connector nsn 5935000189082.

03/04/2025 07:18am
5340-00-015-0007 Plain Solid Disk

plain solid disk nsn 5340000150007. the thickness is 0.005 inches

03/04/2025 07:18am
NSN 5305-00-018-8739 Machine Screw

general motors llc. machine screw nsn 5305000188739.

03/04/2025 06:10am
5365-00-015-0006 Shim

washer shim nsn 5365000150006.

03/04/2025 06:10am
5935-00-012-5087 Plug-in Electronic Compon Socket

plug-in electronic compon socket nsn 5935000125087.

03/04/2025 06:10am
5342-00-015-0002 Retainer Ring

retainer ring nsn 5342000150002.

03/04/2025 05:01am
NSN 3805-00-017-8008 Pin Assembly

pin assembly nsn 3805000178008. the general characteristics item description is w/pin and plate; one horizontal and one longitudinal hole pin; welded plate

03/03/2025 06:04pm
NSN 4710-00-017-8005 Metal Tube Assembly

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000178005. the wall thickness is 0.065 inches

03/03/2025 06:04pm
NSN 5826-00-012-5078 Wafer Assembly

wafer assembly nsn 5826000125078.

03/03/2025 06:04pm
4920-00-018-6807 Reco Amplifier Assy

reco amplifier assy nsn 4920000186807.

03/03/2025 04:56pm
NSN 2530-00-018-2375 Air Brake Chamber

air brake chamber nsn 2530000182375. another reference number is 229869 229816 and 229816n. the cage code is 06853.

03/03/2025 04:56pm
NSN 5310-00-014-5993 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000145993. the overall diameter is between 0.72inches. and 0.78inches. ⁓25/32inches

03/03/2025 04:56pm
Quick Disconnect Coupling Half NSN 4730-00-017-8000

quick disconnect coupling half nsn 4730000178000. the quick disconnect nominal size is 0.25 inches all ends

03/03/2025 03:54pm
NSN 5310-00-017-7994 Wing Plain Nut

wing plain nut nsn 5310000177994. the wing spread width is 1.375 inches

03/03/2025 03:54pm
NSN 5826-00-012-5077 Switch Wafer Assembly

wafer assembly nsn 5826000125077.

03/03/2025 03:54pm
1680-00-019-1531 Detector Hous Cover

detector hous cover nsn 1680000191531.

03/03/2025 02:53pm
1680-00-019-1530 Stator Assembly

stator assembly nsn 1680000191530.

03/03/2025 02:53pm
NSN 5310-00-014-5984 Shouldered Washer

shouldered washer nsn 5310000145984. the hole diameter is 1.781inches. ⁓1-25/32inches

03/03/2025 02:53pm
NSN 3040-00-017-7987 Line Actuating Cylinder Assembly

line actuating cylinder assembly nsn 3040000177987. the compressed length is 42.12 inches

03/03/2025 01:51pm
NSN 2915-00-017-7978 Pump Fiel Parts Kit

pump fiel parts kit nsn 2915000177978. the end item identification is pesco model 022664-021-03

03/03/2025 01:51pm
Hexagon Castellated Plain Nut 5310-00-012-5071

hexagon castellated plain nut nsn 5310000125071.

03/03/2025 01:51pm
4320-00-019-1387 Lube Pump Assembly

helicopter model h-6

03/03/2025 12:46pm
1615-00-019-1587 Main Rotor Sleeve And Hinge Assy

ch-53 helicopter

03/03/2025 12:46pm
NSN 5365-00-018-9640 Sleeve Spacer

naval sea systems command. sleeve spacer nsn 5365000189640.

03/03/2025 12:46pm
NSN 1560-00-017-7965 Counterbalance Link

counterbalance link nsn 1560000177965. the general characteristics item description is steel ams5355

03/03/2025 11:41am
NSN 5910-00-014-6592 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146592. the voltage temp limits per section in percent capacitance change is -15.0/+15.0 without voltage applied single section

03/03/2025 11:41am
3040-00-012-7622 Rigid Connecting Link

rigid connecting link nsn 3040000127622.

03/03/2025 11:41am
4410-00-019-1374 Boiler Tube

wall thickness 0.134 inches

03/03/2025 10:32am
4410-00-019-1373 Boiler Tube

wall thickness 0.134 inches

03/03/2025 10:32am
5961-00-014-6591 Diode Semiconductor Device

diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000146591. the terminal length is 0.700 inches minimum.

03/03/2025 10:32am
NSN 2835-00-017-7939 Non aircraft Lubricating Oil Tank

non aircraft lubricating oil tank nsn 2835000177939. the material is steel cone

03/03/2025 09:27am
NSN 5365-00-017-7938 Shim

shim nsn 5365000177938. the hole diameter is between 0.24in. and 0.26in. ⁓17/64

03/03/2025 09:27am
4920-00-012-5841 Airc Engine

maintenance template nsn 4920000125841.

03/03/2025 09:27am
4410-00-019-1372 Tube

nominal outside diameter tube accommodated 2 inches steel material

03/03/2025 08:27am
4410-00-019-1366 Boiler Tube

steel material

03/03/2025 08:27am
4410-00-019-1328 Boiler Tube

steel material

03/03/2025 07:09am
4410-00-019-1313 Boiler Tube

steel material

03/03/2025 07:09am
4410-00-019-1310 Boiler Tube

steel material

03/03/2025 07:09am
5815-00-017-7139 Platen Holder

overall length 0.65in. ⁓21/32

03/03/2025 06:06am