Our Updated Products - Page 86 of 100

Products updated with new information.

NSN 5310-00-010-9323 Flat Washer

5310000109323. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.328 inches and 0.333 inches.

11/08/2024 06:59pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9322 Flat Washer

5310000109322. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.46 inches and 0.411 inches.

11/08/2024 06:59pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9317 Flat Washer

5310000109317. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.766 inches and 0.771 inches.

11/08/2024 05:48pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9316 Flat Washer

5310000109316. flat washer has a hole diameter of 0.266 inches a thickness of 0.063 and an overall diameter of 1.312 inches.

11/08/2024 04:46pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9314 Flat Washer

5310000109314. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.391 inches and 0.396 inches.

11/08/2024 04:46pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9312 Flat Washer

5310000109312. flat washer has a hole diameter of between 0.261inches and 0.271 inches.

11/08/2024 03:46pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9310 Flat Washer

5310000109310. flat washer has a thickness of 0.063 inches and an overall diameter of between 0.927 inches and 0.947 inches.

11/08/2024 02:44pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9308 Flat Washer

5310000109308. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.328 inches and 0.333 inches.

11/08/2024 02:44pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9302 Flat Washer

5310000109302. flat washer has a hole diameter of between 0.203 inches and 0.208 inches.

11/08/2024 01:41pm
NSN 6220-00-010-9301 Light Transmitt Indicating Panel

6220000109301. light transmitt indicating panel has an overall length of between 5.690 inches and 5.714 inches.

11/08/2024 12:34pm
NSN 5996-00-010-9269 Electronic Control Amplifier

5996000109269. electronic control amplifier has an overall length of 2.750 inches an overall height of 1.093 inches and an overall width of 0.500 inches.

11/08/2024 12:34pm
NSN 5310-00-010-9262 Flat Washer

5310000109262. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.328 inches and 0.333 inches.

11/08/2024 11:28am
NSN 5310-00-010-9259 Flat Washer

5310000109259. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.23 inches and 0.28 inches.

11/08/2024 10:29am
NSN 2805-00-010-9546 Piston Ring

2805000109546. piston ring has a concentric ring style.

11/08/2024 10:29am
NSN 5310-00-010-9255 Flat Washer

5310000109255. flat washer has a thickness of 0.032 inches.

11/08/2024 09:22am
NSN 5310-00-010-9253 Flat Washer

5310000109253. flat washer has a sectional shape style cross that is categorized as rectangular.

11/08/2024 08:19am
NSN 5310-00-010-9250 Flat Washer

5310000109250. flat washer has a sectional shape style cross that is categorized as round.

11/08/2024 08:19am
NSN 6150-00-010-9245 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109245. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 80020

11/08/2024 07:18am
NSN 6150-00-010-9244 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109244. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 23302

11/08/2024 06:14am
NSN 6150-00-010-9243 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109243. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 80020

11/08/2024 06:14am
NSN 5998-00-010-9241 Electronic Components Assembly

5998000109241. electronic components assembly has an overall length of 2.844 inches an overall height of 0.406 inches and an overall width of 0.531 inches.

11/08/2024 06:14am
NSN 6150-00-010-9242 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109242. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 80020

11/08/2024 05:00am
NSN 4810-00-010-9239 Solenoid Valve

4810000109239. solenoid valve has an offset distance of 1.25 inches.

11/08/2024 05:00am
NSN 6150-00-010-9240 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109240. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 80020

11/07/2024 06:01pm
NSN 5999-00-010-9237 Electrical Contact

5999000109237. electrical contact is made of copper alloy.

11/07/2024 06:01pm
NSN 5355-00-010-9236 Control Dial

5355000109236. control dial cage code: 95542

11/07/2024 05:00pm
NSN 5355-00-010-9234 Control Dial

5355000109234. control dial cage code: 95542

11/07/2024 05:00pm
NSN 6150-00-010-9231 Electrical Lead

6150000109231. electrical lead has a termination type that consists of prod terminal both ends single conductor.

11/07/2024 03:52pm
NSN 5306-00-010-9229 Machine Bolt

5306000109229. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.25 inches and a fastener length of 4.50 inches.

11/07/2024 03:52pm
NSN 5306-00-010-9227 Machine Bolt

5306000109227. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.25 inches and a fastener length of 3.5 inches.

11/07/2024 03:52pm
NSN 5306-00-010-9218 Machine Bolt

5306000109218. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.25 inches and a fastener length of 1.25 inches.

11/07/2024 01:46pm
NSN 5306-00-010-9216 Machine Bolt

5306000109216. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.0 inch and a fastener length of 1.0 inch.

11/07/2024 01:46pm
NSN 5306-00-010-9210 Machine Bolt

5306000109210. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.125 inches and a fastener length of 3.5 inches.

11/07/2024 01:46pm
NSN 5998-00-010-9205 Circuit Card Assembly

5998000109205. circuit card assembly cage codes: 49956 and 3b150.

11/07/2024 11:37am
NSN 5306-00-010-9191 Machine Bolt

5306000109191. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.000 inches and a fastener length of 3.0 inches.

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NSN 5306-00-010-9184 Machine Bolt

5306000109184. machine bolt has a thread length of 1.0 inches and a fastener length of 1.25 inches.

11/07/2024 11:37am
NSN 5306-00-010-9180 Machine Bolt

5306000109180. machine bolt is made of steel.

11/07/2024 10:34am
NSN 5306-00-010-9177 Machine Bolt

5306000109177. machine bolt has a thread length of 0.750 inches and a fastener length of 4.000 inches.

11/07/2024 09:30am
NSN 5910-00-010-9166 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

5910000109166. ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor has a terminal length of 1.5 inches a body diameter of 0.09 inches body length of 0.16 inches and a terminal diameter between 0.015 inches and 0.027 inches.

11/07/2024 09:30am
NSN 1560-00-010-9080 Fuselage To Engine Mount Fitting

1560000109080. fuselage to engine mount fitting has an overall length of 28.626 inches a thickness of 0.75 inches and a width of 4.6 inches.

11/07/2024 08:26am
NSN 5995-00-010-9162 Electrical Lead

5995000109162. electrical lead sectional shape style is round.

11/07/2024 07:17am
NSN 4920-00-010-9079 Recorder Timer

4920000109079. recorder timer end item identification is ground test equipment481 recorder aircraft.

11/07/2024 07:17am
NSN 4920-00-010-9075 Receiver Stylus Assembly

4920000109075. receiver stylus assembly end item identification is e-28 hawkeye aircraft

11/07/2024 06:07am
NSN 4920-00-010-9072 Analog Stylus Assembly

4920000109072. analog stylus assembly end item identification is gould mark 842 recorder.

11/07/2024 06:07am
NSN 4920-00-010-9067 Detector Probe Assy

4920000109067. detector probe assy cage code: 95542

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NSN 4920-00-010-9066 Network Assy

4920000109066. network assy cage code: 95542

11/07/2024 05:00am
4920-00-010-9065 Dete Probe Assembly

4920000109065. dete probe assembly cage code: 95542

11/07/2024 05:00am
6150-00-010-9064 E Special Purpose Cable Assembly

6150000109064. e special purpose cable assembly cage code: 95542

11/07/2024 05:00am
NSN 4920-00-010-9063 Grid Assy

4920000109063. grid assy cage code: 09344

11/06/2024 06:21pm
NSN 5330-00-010-9062 Gasket

5330000109062. gasket fsc application data is considered miscellaneous communication equipment.

11/06/2024 06:21pm