Our Updated Products - Page 90 of 100

Products updated with new information.

6615-00-010-9388 Trim Position Sensor Assembly

trim position sensor assembly nsn 6615000109388. part number 65901-02022-042 also 800992-12 and mc09-22-1. cage code 999571w82078286.

09/03/2024 06:57pm
4920-00-010-7458 Torpedo Co Test Set

torpedo co test set nsn 4920000107458.

09/03/2024 06:57pm
NSN 5905-00-011-1668 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000111668. wire wound fixed resistor has an encapsulated inclosure method and a wire lead terminal type.

09/03/2024 05:54pm
NSN 1560-00-011-1667 Bleed Air Duct Assembly

1560000111667. bleed air duct assembly part numbers: 12609-106a and 4a92009-106a

09/03/2024 05:54pm
NSN 5905-00-011-1661 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000111661. wire wound fixed resistor has a body diameter of 0.219 inches and a body length of 0.625 inches.

09/03/2024 05:54pm
NSN 5905-00-011-1658 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000111658. wire wound fixed resistor has an encapsulated inclosure method and a wire lead terminal type.

09/03/2024 04:49pm
NSN 5305-00-011-1655 Tapping Screw

5305000111655. tapping screw is made of steel and has a surface treatment of either cadmium or zinc.

09/03/2024 04:49pm
NSN 4720-00-011-1652 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

4720000111652. nonmetallic hose assembly part numbers: 4p94319-103a and ae702708-4.

09/03/2024 04:49pm
NSN 5905-00-011-1651 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000111651. wire wound fixed resistor has an encapsulated inclosure method and a wire lead terminal type.

09/03/2024 03:49pm
NSN 5961-00-011-1644 Thyristor Semiconductor Device

5961000111644. thyristor semiconductor device uses silicon as the semiconductor material.

09/03/2024 03:49pm
NSN 5305-00-011-1633 Tapping Screw

5305000111633. tapping screw is made of steel and has a surface treatment that is cadmium and chromate.

09/03/2024 03:49pm
NSN 4720-00-011-1632 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

4720000111632. nonmetallic hose assembly part numbers: 4p94318-101a 4p94318-103a ae702710-1 and ae703060-1

09/03/2024 02:46pm
NSN 5930-00-011-1618 Rotary Switch

5930000111618. rotary switch part number: 342890

09/03/2024 02:46pm
NSN 5950-00-011-1614 Electromagnet

5950000111614. electromagnet part numbers: e6582 and h158

09/03/2024 02:46pm
NSN 5915-00-011-1612 Band Pass Filter

5915000111612. band pass filter part numbers: 243b900h01 580r067h01 and af252

09/03/2024 01:32pm
NSN 5915-00-011-1611 Band Pass Filter

5915000111611. band pass filter part numbers: 243b901h01 4f253 and 580r068h01

09/03/2024 01:32pm
NSN 5961-00-011-1609 Transistor

5961000111609. transistor uses silicon as a semiconductor material.

09/03/2024 01:32pm
NSN 5935-00-011-1607 Receptacle Dummy Connector

5935000111607. receptacle dummy connector has a solid shell type.

09/03/2024 12:25pm
NSN 5310-00-011-1606 Nut

5310000111606. nut part numbers: 444742 44827 and c8352

09/03/2024 12:25pm
NSN 3825-00-011-1604 Bearing Cone Sleeve

3825000111604. bearing cone sleeve is made of steel.

09/03/2024 12:25pm
NSN 5935-00-011-1589 Electrica Connector

5935000111589. electrica connector part number: 6-62210-3

09/03/2024 11:22am
NSN 5305-00-011-1527 Machine Screw

5305000111527. machine screw has an adjusting screw for linkage leverbracket.

09/03/2024 11:22am
NSN 3040-00-011-1517 Rigid Connecting Link

3040000111517. rigid connecting link part number: 3f41548-102

09/03/2024 11:22am
NSN 1560-00-011-1502 Spoiler Actuator Flap Hinge

1560000111502. spoiler actuator flap hinge part number: 3w24012-111

09/03/2024 10:17am
NSN 1560-00-011-1500 Actuator Fitting

1560000111500. actuator fitting part numbers: 3w24011-117 and 3w24011-125

09/03/2024 10:17am
6220-00-011-0109 Light Transmitt Indicating Panel

6220000110109. light transmitt indicating panel part number: s6157-62068-41

09/03/2024 10:17am
6220-00-011-0108 Light Transmitt Indicating Panel

6220000110108. light transmitt indicating panel part number: s6157-62068-38

09/03/2024 09:17am
3120-00-011-0106 Sleeve Bushing

3120000110106. sleeve bushing has a 22c solid external flange one end style designator.

09/03/2024 09:17am
3120-00-011-0105 Sleeve Bushing

3120000110105. sleeve bushing part number: 02161 and 24365

09/03/2024 09:17am
4920-00-011-0103 Control Panel

4920000110103. control panel part number: 664046

09/03/2024 08:15am
Control Test Set NSN 4920-00-011-0090

4920000110090. control test set has the end item identification: f-111 aircraft age.

09/03/2024 08:15am
5825-00-011-0089 Transponder Set

5825000110089. transponder set part number: 006560 and ansrn15

09/03/2024 08:15am
1650-00-011-0086 Fluid Filter

1650000110086. fluid filter is made of stainless steel and has a reusable design type.

09/03/2024 07:09am
5320-00-011-0076 Split Rivet

5320000110076. split rivet has the material document and classification: material document and classification.

09/03/2024 07:09am
4030-00-011-0066 Stud Wire Rope Terminal

4030000110066. stud wire rope terminal has the material document and classification: mil-s-6758 military specification single material response.

09/03/2024 07:09am
6105-00-010-9803 Motor-tachometer Generator

6105000109803. motor-tachometer generator has a temperature rating of -55.0 operating degrees celsius and 125.0 operating degrees celsius.

09/03/2024 06:00am
2840-00-010-9414 Combustion Ch Patch

2840000109414. combustion ch patch part number: 463340

09/03/2024 06:00am
2840-00-010-9410 Aircraft Gas Turbi Metallic Seal

2840000109410. aircraft gas turbi metallic seal has the engine section location: compressor.

09/03/2024 06:00am
5998-00-010-9398 Electronic Test Extender Card

5998000109398. electronic test extender card part number: 3100067g1

09/03/2024 05:00am
6130-00-010-9394 Power Supply

6130000109394. power supply part number: 113987

09/03/2024 05:00am
5325-00-010-9390 Nonmetallic Grommet

5325000109390. nonmetallic grommet is made of synthetic rubber and a split grommet construction type.

09/03/2024 05:00am
NSN 5999-00-007-4111 Electronic Shielding Gasket

nickel and copper emi/rfi conductor. electronic shielding gasket nsn 5999000074111.

09/02/2024 06:03pm
Lever NSN 5815-00-007-4046

fsc application data teletype and facsimile equipment. lever nsn 5815000074046.

09/02/2024 06:03pm
Stud Detent NSN 5815-00-007-4042

fsc application data teletype and facsimile equipment. stud detent nsn 5815000074042.

09/02/2024 06:03pm
NSN 3040-00-007-4041 Remote Control Lever

remote control lever is for a transmission. nsn 3040000074041. part number 324328.

09/02/2024 04:58pm
NSN 5815-00-007-4039 Bail Reset

fsc application data teletype and facsimile equipment. part number 324321. nsn 5815000074039 bail reset.

09/02/2024 04:58pm
5815-00-007-4037 Pawl Feed

teletype and facsimile equipment. part number 324317. nsn 5815000074037. cage codes; 64959 and 57712

09/02/2024 03:56pm
NSN 5355-00-011-1707 Lever Knob

5355000111707. lever knob part number: 55h006

09/02/2024 03:56pm
NSN 5355-00-011-1706 Knob

5355000111706. knob part number: 26f017

09/02/2024 03:56pm
NSN 4820-00-011-1703 Flame Rectifier

4820000111703. flame rectifier part number: c7005a1037

09/02/2024 02:56pm