Two or more diode semiconductor devices designed to function as a unit in changing alternating current to direct current. The diode devices are internally connected in series, and are permanently cased, encapsulated, potted, or molded together to form an inseparable unit. These units may be designed as either half-wave or full-wave rectifiers and may be mounted to form either single phase or three phase bridges. For interconnected items arranged in stack(s), see rectifier, semiconductor device. For items fabricated in the form of a monolithic or thin film structure that perform the function of a circuit, see integrated circuit (as modified). Excludes semiconductor devices, unitized; semiconductor device assembly; and rectifier network, unitized.
Classification: Diode, transistor & similar semiconductor device parts
NSN 5999-01-532-8387
NSN 6150-00-096-6477
NSN 6220-00-051-4198
NSN 5835-00-905-7165
NSN 6610-01-188-8163
NSN 5910-01-244-3440
NSN 5960-01-573-6483
NSN 6150-00-875-0869
NSN 5998-00-334-0386
NSN 5935-00-432-9340
NSN 5965-01-328-9765
NSN 5998-01-116-4344