Product Features
Power supply furnishes these regulated voltages and currents for the 40c400 controller logic
Product Technical Spec.
End Application:
Teletype model 40 kdp set
Input Voltage Rating:
103.0 ac pounds per hour dry single operating power rqmt and 127.0 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain single operating power rqmt
Output Voltage Rating:
-11.58 dc volts 3rd power output and -12.42 dc volts 3rd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
11.58 dc volts 2nd power output and 12.42 dc volts 2nd power output
Output Voltage Rating:
4.9 dc volts 1st power output and 5.0 dc volts 1st power output
Input Frequency Rating:
49.0 hertz single operating power rqmt and 62.0 hertz single operating power rqmt
Operating Ambient Tempurature Range:
+0.1/+45.0 degrees celsius
Output Current Rating:
0.4 dc amperes 2nd power output and 4.0 dc amperes 2nd power output
Output Current Rating:
0.4 dc amperes 3rd power output and 4.0 dc amperes 3rd power output
Output Current Rating:
5.0 dc amperes 1st power output and 25.0 dc amperes 1st power output
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Tempest model 40 power supply
Item Name:
Power Supply For Auto Parallel Switch
Cross Referenced Parts
Part Number